Outlander filming locations in Fife
Outlander locations to visit in and around Fife
Do you love Outlander and want to see where the romance between Claire and Jamie blossomed? On a stay with us at Elderburn Lodges in Fife, you are in the perfect place to visit some key Outlander filming locations. Here, we can step back in time, be it to WWII or the 18th century. So let’s look more closely into some of the locations you can visit while here in the Kingdom of Fife…
Find the fountain in Falkland
Firstly, Falkland is where it all starts. Remember the famous scene of post-war Claire dreamily gazing through the shop window? It’s here in Falkland that you can recreate the scene of 1940s Inverness. Look for the fountain where the ghost of Jamie stood as he watched Claire in Mrs Baird’s B&B, shortly before she was transported back in time. Falkland is a place with a rich history and buildings going as far back as the 17th and 18th centuries, so you can submerge yourself in true Scottish history, making for a very interesting visit.
Clamber the cobbled streets of Culross
Culross (pronounced coo-russ) is a place well worth a visit. Whether you are a fan of Outlander or not it is a great place to be. This quaint town gives a good representation of how a Burgh in the 17th and 18th centuries would have looked. With charming colourful cottages, each with its own unusual name, and narrow cobbled streets you can easily imagine turning the corner and bumping into Jamie or Claire. What’s more, it is here that the fictional Cranesmuir was set. The Mercat Cross is probably the most recognisable place. However, you can also wander to Culross Palace, where you can see the superb garden at the rear. This was the setting for Claire’s herb garden. Also, Culross was also used as the location of the ‘Black Kirk’ in a ruin known as West Kirk.

Amble the aged Aberdour Castle
Aberdour Castle dates back to the 12th century. It is the oldest standing stone castle in Scotland. It was here that Jamie was nursed back to health in the monastery and the castle kitchens and the long gallery were also used for filming. Today you can visit the castle and also tour its network of structures and grounds.

Discover the dramatic Dysart Harbour
Dysart Harbour in Fife doubled for the French port of Le Havre in Outlander. Jamie and Claire sailed into France at this port. Here you can visit the Harbourmasters House on the quay and stare out over the picturesque port.

Reach the restored Reaper boat
And speaking of Jamie and Claire’s visit to France, the boat that took them there is also found in Fife. The Reaper, which is a restored Fifie Sailing Herring Drifter boat, became The Christabel for Outlander filming. The Reaper is now on display at the Scottish Fisheries Museum in Anstruther. This fascinating museum tells the story of Scottish fishing through time and is a great place to visit in the pretty coastal fishing village.

Outlander is now in its 7th series, with an 8th and final series planned for 2025. As filming continues, more Outlander locations are being added all the time. So, take a look at this Outlander locations map for more places to visit during your stay with us. If you need any help planning your visit to Elderburn Lodges, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.